C-19: Good Enough is Good Enough
/Our culture has gone through SO many changes this week. If we are able to work, we are most likely using new technology (shout out to all of my fellow psychotherapists and health care professionals) to do our work or we may be working in a way we never have before. One of my neighbors is a manager at a grocery store. She has worked in grocery stores for over 10 years and posted to social media this week that she had never seen anything near the intensity of last Friday (or most days since).
This is a lot.
So, today, I wanted to send out a blog post in case you feel the pressure of perfectionism or even to keep up to your previous levels.
The problem with perfectionism or operating as we did before COVID, is that it leaves a lot of area for frustration (at best) and shame (at worst). And that is not helpful to stew in right now. You are doing what you can do given that the world has changed. Be patient with learning new things or if you are taking on new demands. Notice that you are doing “good enough” and “good enough” is really great right now.
To share some examples: I am writing these daily posts to connect. So I write what I have in mind each day, read over it once to make sure I am saying sentences, and I post. These are less than ideal posts and may have some typos. But I believe sending them out as is is better than not getting them out or spending a large portion of my day on them.
I am also touched by the parents who are not keeping the perfect daily schedule that has been posted to social media. Are your kids’ basics taken care of? Do they know you love them and you’ve got them? Good enough parenting at it’s finest.
It is also good to count your small successes. I finally got a video to upload after 10 tries, and it was a huge success when it did. We made risotto this week, and it turned out decently and was yummy . These successes are good enough for now.
See you tomorrow.